605 Smithview Drive | Suite 3 Maryville, TN 37803
*And now taking appointments in Franklin, Tn

Smoky Mountain Natural Wellness (SMNW) is a natural health company based in Maryville Tennessee, that focuses on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to help bring about holistic healing to the mind, body, and spirit. It is our goal to help our client achieve their health, fitness, and beauty goals through TCM.


Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used forms of medicine in the world. Originating in China more than 2,500 years ago, acupuncture is currently one of the most thoroughly researched, practiced, and respected forms of complementary medicine available anywhere. Acupuncture uses a variety of techniques, including placing very thin sterile needles into specific points on the body, to stimulate and improve your Qi flow. The many benefits of acupuncture include: Pain reduction, Stress and tension relief, Increased energy levels, Stronger digestion, Relief from bad habits and addictions, Greater sense of overall, health and well-being

Chinese Herbology

Chinese herbal medicine is a 2,000 year old tradition using naturally occurring substances — including herbs — to enhance one’s health and vitality. As opposed to Western medicine, the foundation of this approach is to support the body’s natural self-healing mechanisms and abilities. Since each patient has different needs, I carefully select and combine a variety of herbs that will synergistically blend together to achieve optimal results for your unique situation. I prescribe high-quality, professional-grade herbal medicines that are available only to qualified licensed professionals.


Cupping has been a part of Chinese Medicine for over 2,500 years. It relieves aches and pains, improves circulation, and also helps with respiratory and digestive issues. I simply place a specialized “cup” onto specific points on your body, and then use suction to draw your skin up into the cups. It doesn’t hurt — it simply draws fresh blood to that area of your body, which facilitates the cleansing and strengthening of your Qi (energy). The end result is a greater overall sense of health and well-being.

Pulse Diagnosis

One of the most common questions that patients ask about Chinese Medicine is: “Why does my practitioner check my pulse?” Pulse diagnosis is actually one of the most complex and important diagnostic techniques we use in Chinese Medicine. Through feeling and evaluating your pulse, I obtain an accurate diagnosis of your overall constitution, Qi (energy) flow, and internal organ health, among other things. I then synthesize all of this information into a highly effective and individualized treatment plan for your specific needs.


Moxibustion is a Traditional Chinese Medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing and health. Moxibustion has been used for healing purposes throughout Asia for thousands of years. The purpose of moxibustion, as with most forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is to strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of Qi (energy), and enhance your overall vitality and health.


Electroacupuncture is a highly effective holistic treatment for pain, nausea, and chronic ailments. In practice, it is actually very similar to traditional acupuncture. Using the exact same system of Chinese Medicine, I insert very thin and sterile needles into specific points along the meridians of your body. I then attach the needles to a device that delivers gentle electrical pulses between two points. This helps restore the healthy flow of Qi (energy) through your body, removing any blockages and clearing out stagnant areas, thus creating a stronger and clearer experience of health and well-being.

AcuLift Skincare

Microneedling with AcuLift Skincare,  now in Franklin, TN also, is an innovative holistic treatment that rejuvenates the skin by stimulating collagen production and cellular turnover. Using the AcuLift MicroPen, I create micro-injuries on the skin’s surface, promoting natural healing and improving texture. Complementary tools like facial cupping sets, Gua Sha tools, and LED red light therapy enhance the treatment, addressing wrinkles, scars, and more. Experience the transformative power of AcuLift’s holistic approach for healthier, radiant skin at Smoky Mountain Natural Wellness.


Acupuncture is versatile in addressing a wide range of conditions. It is particularly effective for chronic pain issues such as back pain, arthritis, and migraines. Many people also seek acupuncture for relief from digestive disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and acid reflux. Additionally, acupuncture has shown success in treating respiratory conditions like allergies and asthma.

Beyond physical ailments, acupuncture is beneficial for mental and emotional health. It can help reduce anxiety, depression, and insomnia by promoting relaxation and restoring balance to the body’s energy. Women’s health issues, including menstrual irregularities and fertility problems, also respond well to acupuncture treatments. Overall, acupuncture can significantly enhance overall well-being and quality of life.

Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points on the body, known as acupuncture points, to regulate the flow of Qi (energy) through pathways called meridians. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), blockages or imbalances in Qi flow can cause illness and discomfort. By inserting thin, sterile needles into these points, acupuncture helps restore the natural flow of Qi, promoting healing and balance.

Modern research suggests that acupuncture may also influence the nervous system, increase blood flow, and stimulate the body’s natural painkillers. This holistic approach addresses both the symptoms and root causes of various health issues. Acupuncture’s ability to harmonize the body’s energy makes it a powerful tool for maintaining health and preventing disease.

Acupuncture is generally considered very safe when performed by a licensed and trained practitioner. The risk of adverse effects is minimal, as the needles used are sterile, single-use, and extremely thin. This greatly reduces the risk of infection or injury. Practitioners follow strict hygiene and safety protocols to ensure the well-being of their clients.

However, as with any medical treatment, there are some risks, albeit rare. These might include slight bruising or minor soreness at the needle insertion sites. It is important to choose a qualified acupuncturist to minimize risks and ensure that the procedure is performed correctly and safely. Patients should always inform their practitioner of any health conditions or medications they are taking.

During an acupuncture session, you will typically lie comfortably on a treatment table. The practitioner will then insert very thin needles into specific points on your body. The number and placement of needles depend on your individual health concerns and the practitioner’s assessment. You might feel a slight tingling or a sensation of warmth as the needles are inserted.

Once the needles are in place, you will be left to relax for about 20-30 minutes. Many people find this time deeply relaxing and may even fall asleep. The needles are then gently removed, and you may feel an immediate sense of relaxation and well-being. It’s a good idea to drink plenty of water and rest after your session to enhance the benefits of the treatment.

The number of acupuncture sessions needed varies widely depending on the condition being treated and the individual’s response to the therapy. Acute conditions might require only a few sessions, sometimes even just one, to see significant improvement. Chronic conditions, on the other hand, often require more sessions, which may be spread out over several weeks or months.

Your acupuncturist will develop a personalized treatment plan based on your specific needs and health goals. Regular sessions can be beneficial for maintaining health and preventing future issues. Consistency is key in acupuncture, and many patients find that ongoing treatments help them maintain optimal health and well-being.

Acupuncture is highly effective for managing stress and anxiety. It helps by promoting relaxation and balancing the body’s energy. Acupuncture points related to stress relief are stimulated to release tension and calm the nervous system. This process encourages the body to produce natural chemicals like endorphins, which enhance mood and promote relaxation.

Moreover, acupuncture can help regulate stress hormones like cortisol, leading to improved stress management and emotional stability. Many patients report feeling a profound sense of calm and well-being after treatments. Incorporating acupuncture into your routine can provide long-term benefits for mental health, helping you handle stress and anxiety more effectively.

Most people experience no significant side effects from acupuncture. However, some individuals might notice minor side effects such as slight bruising or mild soreness at the needle sites. These effects are usually brief and disappear quickly. Some people may also feel a temporary sense of dizziness or light-headedness immediately after a session.

These minor side effects are generally outweighed by the benefits of acupuncture. To minimize any discomfort, it’s important to communicate with your acupuncturist about your experience during and after the session. They can adjust the treatment as needed to ensure you have a positive and comfortable experience.

Have no worries, I’m going to give you a step by step walkthrough of what to expect for your first acupuncture session with me.

FIRST: The consultation.
I will go through a series of questions in order to discern what your current state of health is. (This intake process usually just takes about 30 minutes.)

Once I have all the info I need from the intake form, I will take your tongue and pulse diagnosis.

By looking at your tongue and feeling the pulse of both wrists I achieves a greater understanding of your body and its state of health.

That completes the intake process and once that is completed you are now ready for your treatment.

There are many modalities that can be used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), but the most common is acupuncture.

For more information on the other modalities, please look at the “modalities” article under the writings tab.

For your acupuncture treatment the acupuncturist will have you lie either face up or face down on the table and will begin inserting needles in to points that suit your particular case.

For treatments it is best to wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing with shorts being the optimal choice.

Most people are nervous about needles until they actually see just how small they are.

The needles used for acupuncture are almost as thin as a strand of hair and are very flexible.

Some patients experience slight discomfort with some of the points, but this discomfort only lasts a few seconds.

You may experience a dull ache or slight tingling with some of the needles.

These are just some of the many signs of “De Qi” and are a sign that your body is responding well to the treatment.

The needles are usually retained for a period of 20-25 minutes.

During this time you just relax and enjoy the treatment and many patients actually fall asleep.

Once the needles are ready to be removed, the acupuncturist will come in and remove each needle and dispose of them in a sharps container immediately.

Our needles are single use sterile needles and are never reused.

Once all of the needles are removed the acupuncturist will ask how your treatment was and will give you any information that you need and may prescribe an herbal formula if your case would benefit from one.

This is what a typical initial consultation looks like and hopefully now you are excited to get your first treatment and start your healing journey.

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Experience Enhanced Wellness at Smoky Mountain Natural Wellness

At Smoky Mountain Natural Wellness, we believe in creating an environment that promotes relaxation and holistic healing. We’re excited to announce that we’re now offering a range of complimentary amenities and new treatments for our valued patients.


Sip and Relax:

Waiting for your appointment has never been more enjoyable. We’re now offering complimentary Kombucha for all our patients in the waiting area. This fermented tea is not only delicious but also packed with probiotics that support a healthy gut. Simply ask one of our friendly front desk staff for a refreshing glass.

Enhance Your Treatment:

 We’re pleased to announce that we’re incorporating complementary essential oils into our treatments. Experience the therapeutic benefits of these natural extracts during your next visit. We’re also offering Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood Hydrosol face mist, a luxurious treat for your skin.


Services are available by appointment.

Monday – Friday:  2pm – 7pm


605 Smithview Drive | Suite 3 | Maryville, Tn 37803 

Acupuncture in Franklin, TN

Now offering services in Franklin Tn

Contact us for more information

About me

Hi my name is Dr. J. Blake Boring DAOM, L. AC., DIPL O.M and I am the owner of Smoky Mountain Natural Wellness LLC (SMNW). I am a licensed acupuncturist and practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in the state of Tennessee and Florida. I graduated from the Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine (ATOM) in 2018 with a masters in TCM and a bachelors in natural health sciences. I obtained my doctorate of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine from ATOM in 2020. I grew up in the Great Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee and moved to Florida in 2015 to pursue my passion for natural healing. I am passionate about helping people map out and achieve their health goals through TCM, diet and fitness.


Diplomate of Oriental Medicine.

A Diplomate of Oriental Medicine is a practitioner who is certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM®) and has met the certification requirements for both acupuncture and Chinese herbology. It is a considerable professional achievement to earn the designation Diplomate of Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). NCCAOM certification indicates to employers, patients, and peers that one has met national standards for the safe and competent practice of acupuncture and Chinese herbology as defined by the acupuncture and Oriental medicine (AOM) profession. For additional information, about the Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, please visit https://www.nccaom.org/about-us/why-choose-national-board-certified-practitioner

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